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Call to Artists for Comfort Food in Art

Wikipedia describes Comfort food is kinds of food that provides a nostalgic or sentimental value to someone, and may be characterized by its high caloric nature, high carbohydrate level, or simple preparation. The nostalgia may be specific to an individual, or it may apply to a specific culture.

Round Hill Studio (280 St-George St. Annapolis Royal, NS) is accepting submissions for Palate: Comfort Food in Art and encourages artists from all over Canada to be part of this exciting group exhibit. We are offering the opportunity to submit up to 2 works whose subject represents food that provides a nostalgic or sentimental value to the artist. All visual art accepted (ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography)

Click here to get to our Call to Artist Page to learn how to apply.

Submissions will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. If accepted, all work must be dropped off at the Gallery by February 4th after 11 AM to no later than 4 PM. Artwork must be picked up between 11 AM to no later than 4 PM on March 4th 2021.

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